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1.      zhong-ming wang, jin-suk lee, ji-yeon park, chuang-zhi wu, zhen-hong yuan, novel biodiesel production technology from soybean soapstock (ss).  korea journal of chemical engineering2007246):1027-1030.

2.      zhong-ming wang, jin-suk lee, ji-yeon park, chuang-zhi wu, zhen-hong yuan optimization of biodiesel production from trap grease via acid catalysis korea journal of chemical engineering2008254):670-674.

3.      j.y. park, d.k. kim, z.m. wang, p. lu, s.c. park, j.s. lee, "production and characterization of biodiesel from tung oil", applied biochem biotechnol, 2008, 148:109-117.

4.      ji-yeon park, zhong-ming wang, deog-keun kim, jin-suk lee, effects of water on the esterification of free fatty acids by acid catalysts, renewable energy,2010, 35:614-618.

5.      朱顺妮, 王忠铭, 尚常花, 周卫征, , 袁振宏*. 微藻脂肪合成与代谢调控. 化学进展, 2011, 23(10): 2169-2176.

6.      shuhao huo, renjie dong, zhongming wang*, changle pang,*, zhenhong yuan, shunni zhu and li chen. available resources for algal biofuel development in china. energies, 2011, 4(9): 1321-1335.

7.      shuhao huo, zhongming wang, shunni zhu, weizheng zhou, renjie dong*, zhenhong yuan*.cultivation of chlorella zofingiensis in bench-scale outdoor ponds by regulation of ph using dairy wastewater in winter, south china. bioresource technology, 2012, 121: 76-82.

8.      zhu, l., wang, z., takala, j., hiltunen, e., qin, l., xu, z., qin, x., yuan, z., 2013. scale-up potential of cultivating chlorella zofingiensis in piggery wastewater for biodiesel production. bioresource technology2013137, 318-325.

9.      zhu, l., wang, z., shu, q., takala, j., hiltunen, e., feng, p., yuan, z.,  nutrient removal and biodiesel production by integration of freshwater algae cultivation with piggery wastewater treatment. water research2013 47(13), 4294-4302.

10.    huo shuhao, zhou weizheng, wang zhongming, zhu shunni, et al. biomass measurement of microalgae cultivated under photoautotrophic conditions for biofuels. energy sources, part a: recovery, utilization, and  environmental effects.

11.    lei qin, qing shu, zhongming wang,  changhua shang,  shunni zhu,  jingliang xu, rongqing li, zhenhong yuan*. cultivation of chlorella vulgaris in dairy wastewater pretreated by uv irradiation and sodium hypochlorite. applied biochemistry and biotechnology, 2014, 172(2): 1121-30.

12.    shunni zhu, we huang, jin xu, zhongming wang, jingliang xu, zhenhong yuan*. metabolic changes of starch and lipid triggered by nitrogen starvation. bioresource technology,2014,152:292-298

13.    pingzhong feng, zhongyang deng, zhengyu hu, zhongming wang, lu fan. characterization of chlorococcum pamirum as a potential biodiesel feedstock.bioresource technology, 2014 (162) 115–122.

14.    pingzhong feng, kang yang, zhongbin xu, zhongming wang, lu fan, lei qin, shunni zhu, changhua shang, peng chai, zhenhong yuan, lei hu. growth and lipid accumulation characteristics of scenedesmus obliquus in semi-continuous cultivation outdoors for biodiesel feedstock production. bioresource technology, 2014 (173) 406-414.

15.    zhu, l., hiltunen, e., antila, e., zhong, j., yuan, z., wang, z. microalgal biofuels: flexible bioenergies for sustainable development. renewable and sustainable energy reviews (sci, if 5.627) 201430, 10351046.

16.    zhu, l., takala, j., hiltunen, e., wang, z.. recycling harvest water to cultivate chlorella zofingiensis under nutrient limitation for biodiesel production. bioresource technology 2013144, 1420.

17.    weidong lu, zhongming wang*, zhenhong yuan. characteristics of lipid extraction from chlorella sp. cultivated in outdoor raceway ponds with mixture of ethyl acetate and ethanol for biodiesel production. bioresource technology, 2015, 191: 433–437. (通讯)

18.    weidong lu, zhongming wang*, xuewei wang, zhenhong yuan. cultivation of chlorella sp. using raw diary wastewater for nutrient removal and biodiesel production: characteristics comparison of indoor bench-scale and outdoor pilot-scale cultures. bioresource technology, 2015, 192: 382–388. (通讯)

19.    weidong lu, md asraful alam, ying pan, wu jinchang, zhongming wang*, zhenhong yuan, a new approach of microalgal biomass pretreatment using deep eutectic solvents for enhanced lipid recovery for biodiesel production, bioresource technology, 123-128 (2016). (通讯)

20.    weidong lu, md asraful alam, ying pan, william junior nock, zhongming wang*, zhenhong yuan, optimization of algal lipid extraction by mixture of ethyl acetate and ethanol via response surface methodology for biodiesel production, korean journal of chemical engineering. 1-7 (2016). (通讯)

21.    ying pan, md. asraful alam, wang zhongming* zhang yi, zhenhong yuan, enhanced esterification of oleic acid and methanol by deep eutectic solvent assisted amberlyst heterogeneous catalyst. bioresource technology, 543-548 (2016). (通讯)

22.    ying panmd. asraful alamzhongming wang*dalong huang, keqin hu, hongxuan chen, zhenhong yuan one-step production of biodiesel from wet and unbroken microalgae biomass using deep eutectic solventbioresource technology157-1632017),(通讯)

23.    yi zhang, xihui kang, zhongming wang*, xiaoying kong, lianhua li, yongming sun, shunni zhu, siran feng, xinjian luo, pengmei lv, enhancement of the energy yield from microalgae via enzymatic pretreatment and anaerobic co-digestion, energy164(2018)400-407.(通讯)

24.    yi zhang, xiaoying kong, zhongming wang*, yongming sun, shunni zhu, lianhua li, pengmei lv, yi zhang, lianhua li, xiaoying kong, feng zhen, yongming sun,  pengyu dong, and pengmei lv, inhibition effect of sodium concentrations on the anaerobic digestion performance of sargassum species, energy fuels 2017, 31, 7101?7109. (通讯)  

25.    zhang yimd  asraful  alamkong xiaoyingwang zhongming*li lianhuasun yongmingyuan zhenhongeffect of salinity on the microbial community and performance on anaerobic digestion of marine macroalgae, journal  of  chemical  technology & biotechnology, (2392-2399) 2017. (通讯)

26.    yi zhang, xiaoying kong, zhongming wang*, yongming sun, shunni zhu, lianhua li,  pengmei lv, optimization of enzymatic hydrolysis for effective lipid extraction from microalgae scenedesmus sp. renewable energy 125 (2018) 1049e1057. (通讯)

27.    shunni zhu, lei qin, pingzhong feng, changhua shang, zhongming wang*, zhenhong yuan. treatment of low c/n ratio wastewater and biomass production using co-culture of chlorella vulgaris and activated sludge in a batch photobioreactor. bioresource technology, 2019, 274:313-320. (通讯)


   作者: md. asraful alam, zhongming wang

   书名:microalgae biotechnology for development of biofuel and wastewater treatment


   刊出时间:2019    doi: 10.1007/978-981-13-2264-8



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